best viewed on a comuputer. if you dont know how to use a computer your

11/5/23 8:37pm

9/7/2023 9:01pm

shoot people and love life

9/7/2023 6:11am

im staring at the ass crack of

8/20/23 12:16pm

8/9/23 9:53pm

the ants all over me

5/25/23 4:17pm


3/29/23 6:11pm

throwin cheese onto this dumbass roof

3/9/23 5:10pm

2/13/23 4:47pm

1/26/2013 5:59pm

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12/22/22 11:27pm


11/30/22 2:21pm

i hear water

11/17/22 3:34pm

11/08/22 1:51pm

10/29/22 9:37pm

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aight it's 2022 and im boutta do my final ass

10/29/22 5:54pm

10/13/22 10:03pm

Me: How would you describe that whole experience?
Lindsay: It was a summer challenge. See how many movies we could get through.
Me: Do you remember what prompted us to do it?
Lindsay: It was summer and we had all of the free time in the world. We lived right around the corner from each other, so that made things easier. Neither of us could drive, but Peter's video was walking distance too! Cheers to small town life.
Me: What was your favorite film out of everything we watched?
Lindsay: The Exorcist, obviously! I remember being really scared by Dead Pit too.
Me: What was your least favorite?
Lindsay: I can't remember a specific title that I hated. I wasn't a fan of the cheesy ones.... Like Dead Alive or Attack of the Killer Tomatoes